21st December 2024

Search Uppingham Town Council

Distinguished in Place and Repute

Committees & Groups

Advisory Committees / Groups:

Committees with delegated powers:

Neighbourhood Plan Sub-committee

Purpose of the Sub-committee: The purpose of the Sub-committee is to manage and develop the Neighbourhood Plan and undertake periodic reviews from initiation to making, with the full involvement of the community and other interested parties.

Powers: This is an advisory Sub-committee of Uppingham Town Council who are the governing body for the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan. All decisions, recommendations and expenditure should be referred to full Council.

Frequency of meetings: Quarterly or as and when required by the schedule agreed at the Annual Council Meeting.

The Chair to be appointed at The Annual Council meeting.

Specific brief:

  • adhere to the Code of Conduct contained in these Standing Orders
  • to set timescale for process which will be ratified by full council;
  • to meet at regular intervals to meet potential changes and requests
  • to report to Uppingham Town Council and to follow governance approach set out for the council by the Proper Officer;
  • consider and make recommendations to Council on future planning options for Uppingham;
  • to engage as many of the community and key stakeholders as possible in the process, by encouraging participation and the submission of views and ideas
  • to produce a plan that is compliant with current Neighbourhood Planning legislation and with Rutland County Council's Local Plan
  • to consult with and use expertise of professional planners as needed or offered – Rutland County Council or third party consultants.
  • to assess existing evidence as well as gather fresh evidence about the needs and aspirations of the community;
  • to keep Rutland County Council Planning Department informed of progress;
  • to liaise as appropriate with neighbouring councils (parish, borough and county);
  • to liaise with central government about new initiatives potentially shaping future content and revisions of the plan;
  • to appoint representatives or the Proper Officer to attend Planning Authority meetings and authorise them to speak on behalf of the Town Council;
  • to appoint representatives or the Proper Officer to attend Planning Enquiries and authorise them to speak on behalf of the Town Council;
  • ensure when requested to do so by members or the proper officer that meetings with third parties have a clear and transparent agenda and recorded outputs shared at the next available opportunity with committee and full council.

Staffing Committee

Purpose of the Committee: The purpose of the committee is to debate issues and recommend to Council matters relating to employment and personnel.

Powers: The committee has no delegated powers and all decisions and recommendations should be referred to Full Council at the next or most appropriate opportunity. Any virement applications must be referred to Finance & General Purposes Committee or to full Council.

Frequency of meetings: Quarterly or as and when required.

Specific brief to:

  • overseeing all matters relating to the employment of staff and making recommendations to Council thereon;
  • recommending to Council matters regarding conditions of employment;
  • reviewing, job descriptions, contracts, salary awards and staffing allocations, making recommendations to Council as appropriate;
  • convening investigatory committees to examine disciplinary matters, reporting outcomes to full Council;
  • monitor Health & Safety regulations, policy and procedures;
  • monitor and review the Council's personnel policies and make recommendations to Council;
  • advise Council on the continuous professional development of staff, in consultation with the Town Clerk to include the Clerk also;
  • recommend to Council any staff training requirements

Environment, Infrastructure & Amenities Committee

Purpose of the Committee: The purpose of the committee is to debate issues, determine decisions and make recommendations to Council in respect of issues within the remit of this Committee. To consider and recommend policies which have a bearing on social cohesion and environmental wellbeing. To consider the functions and services provided by the Council in relation to: the cemetery, parks, gardens and open spaces, amenity areas, play areas and community facilities and toilets for example. Making recommendations to Council for any variations, improvements or alterations and develop policies which have a bearing on social cohesion and environmental well being.

Powers: To oversee the finance allocated to the Committee, for which it has delegated powers to make decisions and spend within the budget headings allocated to the Committee by the Council. Any virement applications must be referred to Finance & General Purposes Committee or to full Council.

Frequency of meetings: Monthly or as and when required.

Specific brief to:

  • consider and recommend to Council any improvements variations, improvements or alterations to the Council leisure and recreation facilities;
  • monitor and enact changes to the grounds maintenance contract within existing budgetary constraints;
  • review the use of the Council's leisure and recreational facilities;
  • to oversee progress on any leisure or recreational projects;
  • consider projects and associated costs;
  • liaise with any appropriate external bodies and agencies;
  • oversee the Christmas Lights installation as well as heritage and cultural initiatives;
  • annually inspect the Council's leisure and recreation facilities;
  • oversee the maintenance and development of the Town Hall, property and land.

Finance & General Purposes Committee

Purpose of the Committee: The purpose of the Finance and General Purposes Committee is to debate issues of Strategy and Policy in detail and to formulate recommendations to the Council. The Committee's strategic role will be to formulate strategies for the Council to consider adopting. Maintain oversight of Council approved long term plans. Draft for Council approval policies and procedures for the good governance of the Council and its town.

Powers: The Committee will also maintain oversight over the Council's finances. It has delegated authority to spend within its allocated budget. This will include making decisions on budgeted finance and recommend to Council any proposals which are outside the approved budget and require either grant aiding or the use of financial reserves. Consider and recommend to Full Council any virements proposed by other committees.

Frequency of meetings: Quarterly or as and when required.

Specific brief to:

  • consider draft strategic documents for Council approval;
  • consider policies and procedures for Council approval;
  • consider projects, their associated costs and funding sources; ? annually review financial regulations and recommend to Council any changes;
  • oversee internal audit, consider any weaknesses identified and recommend appropriate actions;
  • use its delegated authority to spend within the budget allocated to the committee subject to the overall budget adopted by the Council;
  • oversee the preparation of a medium term financial plan;
  • Prepare draft budgets for the following financial year and recommend to Council accordingly;
  • maintain oversight of the income and expenditure against the current financial year's budget;
  • approve applications for virement either from other committees or the Council's Responsible Financial Officer.
  • consider and recommend to Council applications for expenditure from other committees which are outside their current budgets;
  • to recommend to Members appropriate Councillor training;
  • ensure appropriate health and safety policies are in place to mitigate risk;
  • to provide oversight and manage the Council's risk approach.

Planning Committee

Purpose of the Committee: The purpose of the Planning Committee is to debate issues in detail concerning planning and planning applications and to make observations to the Planning Authority in accordance with planning guidelines on behalf of the Council, which is a statutory consultee.

Powers: The Committee has delegated authority to consider and comment on planning applications and make recommendations to Council about highways matters.

Frequency of meetings: The Committee shall meet as appropriate to Planning Authority timescales, monthly or as and when required.

Specific brief to:

  • consider planning applications and make observations to the Planning Authority;
  • convene a public meeting if it is felt that a planning application warrants such action and report findings to the Council and Planning Authority;
  • appoint representatives or the Proper Officer to attend Planning Authority meetings and authorise them to speak on behalf of the Town Council;
  • appoint representatives or the Proper Officer to attend Planning Enquiries and authorise them to speak on behalf of the Town Council;
  • consider and make recommendations to Council on highway matters.

If you want to make a statement about a planning application please follow this link.

Last updated: Sat, 25 May 2024 21:11