17th September 2024

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Agenda FCP 190924

Fri, 13 Sep 2024

Agenda FCP 190924

Minutes, Finance & General Purposes committee

Finance and General Purposes Minutes 15.11.23

F & G P Agenda September 23

Finance & General Purposes Committee Minutes - 2023

F G & P Agenda

Fri, 23 Jun 2023

F G & P Agenda

F & G P Minutes April 22

Finance and General Purposes Meeting

Agenda Finance and General Purposes Committee

Investment Policy

Thu, 7 Oct 2021

Investment policy

Financial Regulations

Thu, 7 Oct 2021

Revised 7 October 2021

FGP1220 Agenda and Supporting Docs

FGP1220 Agenda and Supporting Docs

FGP1220 Agenda and Supporting Docs

FGP1220 Agenda and Supporting Docs

FGP1220 Agenda and Supporting Docs

FGP1220 Agenda and Supporting Docs

2020 10 28 Finance and General Purposes Meeting - Minutes - Draft

FGP1020 EMR Schedule of transfers and payments for approval

FGP1020 Supporting Docs

2020 06 24 Finance & General Purposes Meeting Agenda

2019 01 23 Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting Minutes

2019 06 26 Finance and General Purposes Committee Agenda

2019 06 23 Finance and General Purposes Committee

Item 10b Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee

2019 01 23 Finance & General Purposes Committee Minutes