17th September 2024

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Distinguished in Place and Repute


The Neighbourhood Planning Advisory Group (NPAG) is made up of members from across the community in Uppingham - if you would like to join the committee please contact the Town Clerk on 01572 822681. The numbers attending and representatives are at an all time high since the group existed for the first and current Neighbourhood Plan.

The group are currently working on the following areas:

  • The Review of the Local Plan which has been presented by Rutland County Council
  • Preparation for a refresh and update of the existing made Neighbourhood Plan

At the moment specialist reports are being commissioned and quotes obtained to support or challenge the assertions made in the draft Local Plan and lay the groundwork for data and supporting evidence to refresh our existing Neighbourhood Plan.

You can read our feedback to the Rutland County Council Draft Local Plan:

Through our Neighbourhood Planning Advisory Group following the feedback on the Draft Local Plan Uppingham agreed to brief some specialist advisers to help support or otherwise the feedback we gave to Rutland County Council (RCC). RCC asked that in making comments and proposed changes to the draft plan that those providing feedback should where possible supply suitable specialist reports, data or other evidence. As a result a brief has been established and provided to some specialist advisers in this sector - this is below:

Specialist Reports Received in 2018

Reports Commenting on Aspects of the Draft Local Plan and Ahead of a Refreshed Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Planning Advisory Group (NPAG)

The NPAG is currently administered by the Town Council through the Clerk. The NPAG is an advisory group to the Town Council who act as the relevant/governing body for the Neighbourhood Plan.

Participants who take part from the community have to, like elected members, register any interests they have and they also need to abide by the code of conduct contained in the Council's Standing Orders. Individual register of interests for active members are held below:

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Background to CIL

Rutland County Council (the charging authority) adopted the Community Infrastructure Levy as a method of obtaining funding for services and infrastructure in March 2016. It requires developers to pay towards the cost of providing new services that will help support the needs of the new residents or businesses that flows from the development of the land.

Charging authorities are required to spend the levy's revenue on what they see as the infrastructure needed to support the development of their area. The assessment of 'need' will largely be informed by the Infrastructure Delivery Plans (IDPs) published by each authority alongside their Local Plans.

In general terms facilities such as schools, transport, community facilities and other health and social care facilities may be funded by CIL. The Levy can also be spent on 'the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure'. Therefore, the levy may be used to fund a broad range of facilities such as play areas, parks and cultural and sports facilities and gives communities flexibility to choose what infrastructure they need.

How will local neighbourhoods benefit from CIL?

The CIL Regulations 2013 state that 25% of CIL funds collected from a development will be passed directly to the parish council in which the development is located, if there is an adopted Neighbourhood Plan in place. The amount is set at 15% in areas without an adopted Neighbourhood Plan or NDO and in this case the portion will be capped at £100 per Council tax dwelling in the Parish at the time of disbursement. The funds are to be spent on infrastructure projects of their choice. The funds will be distributed twice per year- in April and October, and be based on CIL payments made to the charging authority.

Uppingham Town Council will publish to this page CIL monies received and what any funds are spent from the same reserve. Any receipts from CIL are ring fenced in the Town Council accounts in order that both receipts and expenditure can be clearly evidenced and are transparent to the community. The latest update is below:

Historic Data & Meeting Records

Minutes for Neighbourhood Plan.

Agendas for Neighbourhood Plan.

Last updated: Wed, 15 May 2019 12:46