747 Centrebus Service Saved for 12 months
Uppingham Mayor Alec Crombie is pleased to be able to share news and a press release from Rutland County Council about the 747 bus service and thanks them for their speedy action to address this issue.
PRESS RELEASE from Rutland County Council:
Thursday 15th December 2016
Following Centrebus' decision to stop the 747 bus that operates between Leicester and Uppingham without prior consultation, discussions have taken place between Rutland County Council and Leicestershire County Council about the impact this will have on local people who use the service.
As a result of these discussions, Leicestershire County Council has agreed to put in place emergency funding equal to two thirds of the amount demanded by Centrebus to continue the service for another year, until January 2018. Rutland County Council will contribute the other third.
During the coming year Leicestershire plan to carry out a countywide accessibility policy review of rural bus services. During the same period Rutland will consider all possible options for the future.
Tony Mathias, Portfolio Holder for Transport at Rutland County Council, said: "Local people who use the 747 service have told us just how important it is to them, which is why we're working with Leicestershire to provide emergency funding that will keep the bus in operation for another 12 months. This will allow the communities served by the 747 to engage with Centrebus and find a more viable, long-term solution. In the meantime, we would positively encourage local people to make greater use of the 747 bus and other valued rural bus routes as an alternative to travelling by car."
Posted: Thu, 15 Dec 2016