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Wisteria House Wins Award

Wisteria House Wins Award

For immediate release Wednesday 27 March 2024

Wisteria House and Snowdrop Home Care have been awarded The Rutland Snowdrop Award for Compassionate Care.

Dying Matters in Rutland launched The Rutland Snowdrop Award last May, to celebrate compassionate health and care workers who have gone above and beyond to support someone during their end of life. Since then, members of the public have put their nominations forward to Dying Matters in Rutland, based on their personal experiences.

The Rutland Snowdrop Award aims to celebrate exceptional end of life health care workers (and care teams) for helping to improve end of life experiences in Rutland.

Dr Hilary Fox, who helps to coordinate the award programme for Dying Matters in Rutland commented: "We received a great selection of very commendable nominations for the Rutland Snowdrop Award. Our panel of Judges have had the difficult task of deciding who should receive the Rutland Snowdrop Award.

Reading through the application forms with the details of the nominees, it is heart-warming to see the personal thought and consideration the nominees have given to the people they have cared for. It is clear, that they take great personal effort to get to know the person they are caring for. Many of the health and care workers who have been nominated are prepared to go beyond the standard requirements for good care, to provide genuine support and comfort. This matters greatly, not just to the person who is being cared for but also to their loved ones."

Jayne Sharratt, Manager at Wisteria Housesaid, "We always work hard to ensure all residents wishes, preferences and views are individualised and implemented when receiving End of life care to allow the resident to feel comforted, knowing that their wishes are being fulfilled at this important time in their life."

Louise Bloor, Director at Snowdrop Home Care Rutland said, "We were delighted to hear that we have been nominated for the Rutland Snowdrop Award. The touching feedback from the families who have nominated us is very rewarding and it is wonderful to see that our hard work makes such a positive difference".

The Awards will be given by HMS Lord Lieutenant of Rutland, Dr Sarah Furness, who is also the Patron of Dying Matters in Rutland. Tesco Store in Oakham has been very supportive of the Snowdrop Awards and has kindly donated generous hampers with teatime treats, to help the winners celebrate their awards.

HMS Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland, Dr Sarah Furness said; "I'm delighted to be able to highlight the valuable work that is done by so many health care workers who support people and their families during their end of life. It is the human, less quantifiable side of care that can make all the difference to ensure someone's end of life is comfortable, peaceful and has dignity. I really hope people in Rutland will continue to put nominations forward to Dying Matters, as the valuable work done by carers deserves to be recognised and celebrated."

For more detail of the Rutland Snowdrop Awards, please visit www.dyingmattersleicestershireandrutland.com/rutland-snowdrop-awards

If you know an exceptional health or care worker or care team who have gone above and beyond to help improve the end-of-life experience of someone you know, you can nominate them for The Rutland Snowdrop Award – 2025, by contacting Dying Matters in Rutland via email. info@dyingmattersleicestershireandrutland.com or by completing an application form which can be found online. The organisers of the Rutland Snowdrop Award will be delighted to continue to receive applications for the Rutland Snowdrop Award throughout the year.

Posted: Thu, 28 Mar 2024

Tags: Award, Wisteria