21st December 2024

Search Uppingham Town Council

Distinguished in Place and Repute

Who we are and what we do

  • Operating Structure and Scheme of Delegation (Word Document, 177 Kb)

    This one page document shows how Uppingham Town Council is organised in terms of committees, membership of committees and where delegated powers exist. This information is best read in conjunction with Part 1 of the Standing Orders where the terms of reference for each committee are detailed.

Uppingham Town Council has fifteen seats for elected members, who usually serve for a four year term. The most recent local elections were in May 2023. Currently the Council has 3 vacant seats.

Full council meetings are held generally on the first Wednesday in the month, occasionally following a bank holiday the meeting is held on the second Wednesday in the month. The public and press can attend all council meetings during which there is an opportunity to speak during the democratic fifteen minutes.

When required, Committee meetings are held on the third Wednesday in the month. The Council's Committees are:


Finance & General Purposes

Environment, Infrastructure & Amenities


All meetings are held in the Council Chamber of Uppingham Town Hall. There is a lift accessed from the car park located at the back of the Town Hall.

Uppingham Town Council is responsible for:

  • The two cemeteries; the Lawn Cemetery in London Road and the Leicester Road Cemetery.
  • The two allotment sites, Tod's Piece and Leicester Road
  • Hiring of the Town Hall
  • Open spaces: Tod's Piece, Beast Hill and Hog Hill
  • Some street lights and the Friday Market.

For further information relating to the services offered by the Town Council please contact the Town Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

Our Staff

Adam Lowe

Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

Uppingham Town Council

The Town Hall, High Street East, Uppingham, Oakham, LE15 9PY
01572 822681

Last updated: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 12:09